About Me

Death-obsessed comic artist, Araselle, uses xir hand drawn illustrations to tell queer, counter-culture narratives. Xe are based in SMTX + SATX where xe customize dolls, study chaos magic, lurk goth music forums, and make cryptid-like appearances at local coffee shops.

“Bad Angels” is xir first multi-chapter work and is currently on-going.

Xe’d love to contribute to your zine.

Read Bad Angels

A trashy, paranormal romance about a slutty, depressed, goth Archangel and the asinine decisions he makes.

Small Works

One-shots, zines, extras, and contributions.

Support me on Ko-fi

You can tip me on my Ko-fi to help support my art. I’ll most likely use it for actual coffee. 🙂

You can also support me by buying stickers :9

Want to collaborate?

I accept commissions for traditional medium illustrations, portraits, and pay-per-page comic contributions. For zines and other small press contributions I’m often open to collaborating free of charge for love of keeping the scene alive, my schedule permitting -it never hurts to ask!

If you like “Bad Angels” and are interesting in doing a guest page or guest cover, let me know and I may be open to commissioning a page (or pages) from you or doing a trade. I adore amateur and and outsider art, so don’t hold yourself back from asking to collaborate because of “talent”. Liking my art and wanting to work together is reason enough! xo